
A snapshot of recent activity

A discovery feature concept
Refining content autoplay functionality
New feature UI review
Ideation session
Brand screen concept
Iterating on the product development process
An onward journey concept
A live TV concept
Reviewing mobile UI updates
Defining the schema for a new feature
An onward journey concept
The BBC Sounds TV app
Reviewing usage data
The BBC Sounds TV app playback experience
Reviewing time of day usage data
Reviewing the BBC Sounds TV app build
Team building exercise
Planning user journeys
The BBC Sounds TV app playback experience
Telephone interviews
Gathering design feedback
BBC Sounds TV app playback controls
BBC Sounds concepts
Navigation structure concept
Navigation structure concepts
TV app prototyping
Al fresco team planning
User journey workshop
Team retro facilitation
Defining user requirements
Mapping user journeys
App architecture
New feature ideation
Home screen layout ideation
Defining design challenges
Information architecture
Design sprint
Screen layout ideation
Feature ideation
Design sprint facilitation
Reviewing existing patterns
Feature prioritisation session
User journey development
Reviewing TV design guidelines
User journeys
Project kick-off
Icon designs
Hall testing findings
Hall testing findings
The BBC+ app
BBC+ brand guidelines
New feature ideation
User journey development
New feature sketches
User testing synthesis
BBC+ mobile app
User testing findings
BBC+ branding concept
BBC+ logo concepts
Card sorting exercise
Workshop facilitation
New feature mockup
New feature ideation
Persona generation
Team retro facilitation
Project planning
Project planning